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Incredible Women. Incredible Lifestyle.



C O V E R   S T O R Y


KASAA editorial team visited one of the leading actresses of the legendary, world-famous LENCOM Theater, a graduate of the Igor Moiseev State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble, once a student of the world's most demanded Vaganova Russian Ballet Academy, Anna Yakunina. We talked to Anna and her charming talented daughters Anastasia Yakunina and Maria Svirid. Our conversation turned out to be very lively and interesting. About ballet, cinematography, theatrical behind-the-scenes stories and much more. 

We are publishing the first part of the interview, in which Anna is telling us about how she starts the day, shares the secret of the perfect breakfast, the books she loves to read, the cities she loves to visit, secrets of beauty and love for the Motherland - find out in our April COVER STORY.





KASAA LIFE: Anna, please tell us how you usually start your day?


ANNA YAKUNINA: My ideal day is directly related to its beginning, starting with a perfect breakfast, with a good coffee in my favorite porcelain cups, which says "October", month of my birth. Breakfast is very austere: either with eggs or porridge, an orange juice, a green or herbal tea. Depending on whether I have a movie shooting in the morning or rehearsal, my day starts either very early or very late, sometimes on free days I can get up and about 12 days.

KASAA LIFE: Please tell us about your daily sports and beauty rituals, if any.


ANNA YAKUNINAEvery morning I perform a small workout. I have a rather problematic back (since my youth years, when I trained for ballet) they showed me a few mandatory exercises that are required before breakfast. Daily gym visits in my life are not present, because there is simply not enough time for it, but as soon as I have the right time, I swim at the pool or perform pilates, this is perfect for me. Pumping and building muscles is a forgotten story for me, I stopped liking it. I am at such a wonderful age when you just want to look decent and there is absolutely no goal to be too young. I have a goal to look good. As for beauticians, jars with creams, which I always have in abundance, I just adore! Everything related to beauty, even devices and cosmetics for home care - I love and do everything. So whatever associated with beauty, visiting beauty specialists is for me, real happiness. In my opinion, without moderate exercises combined with a competent beautician, a woman should not exist. I think it's an absolute part of her normal day. You can't really ignore this.

KL: You are in amazing shape!


AY: In what shape I am I don't know. Probably, it is more visible from  aside, but I am taking care of my shape, because at the age of 20 It was easy not to think about it, but now you have to apply some efforts and sometimes limit yourself. I tend to gain easily, so you have to watch your diet. When I allow myself absolutely everything - I immediately pick up a couple kilograms (so I walk back and forth). I eat meat with vegetables. I don't eat potatoes with meat. My favorite dish is buckwheat porridge and cabbage salad. As soon as I overeat, then the next day I have buckwheat and cabbage or turkey cauliflower soup.

This set me in the right direction. But since I'm a Libra, according to the sign of the zodiac, and my weight goes up and down. (Smiling). When I get bored I don’t eat much for a week, I take and eat what I'm crazy about, for example, an eclair patisserie! Therefore, being in good shape also requires a lot of work. Our human nature is always to want something: and eat deliciously, and drink, and smoke, so here you need to work, and exclude something in return. Well, as I already said - I do sports, and not necessarily in the gym, I love to do some exercises at home. It is important to love life, meet with friends, everything should be harmonious and fun.